This Week's Announcements.
Adoration Ministry: "Come to Me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest." -Jesus [Matthew 11:25]. VACANCIES: Mon 9AM, Mon 2PM, Tues 4PM, Thurs 9AM, Thurs 12 Noon, Fri 7AM, Fri 1PM. Is Jesus calling you to a particular hour each week? If you cannot commit to a regular hour, how about being a substitute? Call Nina & Larry Wagner at (831) 479-8597, or email to sign up. May our Good God, who cannot be outdone in generosity, reward you!​​
An Evening of Christian Worship: Next Saturday, September 14, David Rios and his musicians from around the world will present an evening of Christian Caribbean Praise and Worship concert in our church from 7:00-9:00 pm. All donations will go to St. Vincent de Paul and our Religious Education programs. Please come and bring your friends. View the flyer here.
Lambs for Jesus Registration: Congratulations to the St. Joseph’s Religious Education program—teachers, staff, and volunteers. 170+ students from pre-school through high school are enrolled in the various classes as they prepare for the sacraments of First Communion or Confirmation. Space is still available in the Lambs for Jesus program which is a fun-filled, safe environment for pre-school children during the 11:00 am Mass while their parents attend church.​
Senior Mass: Please join us for our Senior Mass on Thursday, September 12th at 8:30 am, followed by refreshments and fellowship in the Parish Center. Please note that the Senior Mass has now been moved to the second Thursday of each month.​​